Paolo Gorla


Research Division

Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso - INFN

S.S. 17 bis, km 18+910

67010 Assergi (AQ) Italy

Phone: ++39-0862-437281

Fax: ++39-0862-437570

e-mail: paolo.gorla (at)

Websites: CUORE@LNGS



  1.   Ph.D., Physics and Astronomy, University of Milano-Bicocca, 2005

  2.   M.S., Physics, University of Milano, 2002

Research interest

Neutrino physics, Dark Matter, Rare nuclear decays, Cryogenic detectors

Biographical sketch

Paolo Gorla received his undergraduate degree in Physics from University of Milano where he worked with Prof. Ettore Fiorini on neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (DBD) search. He got his Ph.D. from University of Milano-Bicocca working with Dr. Oliviero Cremonesi on the reduction of the radioactive background in macro-bolometers for DBD search in the CUORE project. The enhanced detector design Paolo developed in his Ph.D. thesis was adopted as official setup in the CUORE project.

Before joining the LNGS research division, Paolo was staff scientist in INFN - Roma 2 and Temporary Staff at LNGS.

He currently works on the search for neutrinoless DBD with the CUORE experiment.

Paolo is interested in designing and building novel detectors for the next generation of neutrino and rare events experiments.